Compared to waiting up to 42 days for an intitial appointment with a professional.
An objective and empirical evaluation that detects the distinct eye movement pattern found in persons with ADHD.
Readable Technologies is an objective and empirical evaluation that detects the distinct eye movement pattern found in persons with ADHD. In the comfort of your own home, you simply read text passages out loud while facing your webcam. In 90 seconds, our proprietary eye tracking technology and algorithm will produce a reading assessment report you can share with your medical team.
While only a professional can make a diagnosis of ADHD and provide medical support, our empirical and visual evaluation is an aid in your journey to identify if you have ADHD and get the support you need. Read our report to learn more.
The Readable Technologies ADHD Test ends with a personalized report if you have a low, moderate, or high chance of ADHD. Just from 90 seconds of reading!
What a huge help for you, or someone you love, who think they are ADHD but the time and money to find out prevents them from taking the first step.
Because reading requires extensive working memory, and atypical working memory is a core aspect of ADHD, our technology is able to detect a distinct pattern in the movements of persons with ADHD compared to neurotypical readers.
Our evaluation does not measure how quickly you read the text. Be sure to take your time and not rush as you read the text out loud at a normal pace.
Your data is processed on your local computer and then sent to our database. No personally identifiable information is sent to our database while taking our evaluation.
No. Our report and evaluation is for educational purposes only. Only a medical professional can diagnose ADHD. However, our empirical and visual report is a useful document to share with your medical team to aid in the diagnosis process.
Our logistic regression classifier was able to predict ADHD with an accuracy of 82%. The 90-second duration is considerably shorter than other ADHD screenings and is promising as a low-cost approach for assessing ADHD risk.
For only $39.99 you are emailed a personalized visual report of your eye patterns from the four text passages you read out loud. With each of your patterns, you will see a comparison with examples of neurotypical readers.
While only a professional can make a diagnosis of ADHD and provide medical support, our empirical and visual evaluation is an aid in your journey to identify if you have ADHD and get the support you need.
Take our rapid & objective evaluation now© Copyright 2022. All rights reserved | Readable Technologies | Press & Media inquiries, please email